Pursue Love

Pursue Love

Pursue love. We can chase after a lot of things in life but love has to be the most important. We can fill out time pursuing money, possessions, and positions of power and still come up empty. When we pursue love it fulfills us unlike anything else. Pursuing doesn't...

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Crucify Him!

Crucify Him!

Crucify Him! It is easy to get a crowd going. Most people will go along with whatever the mass is doing. They don't want to be left out. The Pharisees were able to gather a lynch mob and yell what they wanted. What do you do when the crowd is against you? We do...

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Surface Deep

Surface Deep

A Surface deep person is someone who is shallow. You scratch a little below the surface, and you find something completely different. Some people go to great lengths and expense making their outward appearance look just right. The problem is that there is nothing...

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Love Never Fails

Love Never Fails

Love never fails. When we truly love someone that love will never stop. We might become impatient or even angry but underneath all of that is a love that never fails. To fail means to give up and quit and when we attach our heart to someone else it is near impossible...

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Perpetual Fruit

Perpetual Fruit

Perpetual Fruit God wants perpetual fruit growing in our life. When we are in the presence of Jesus we will see life never witnessed before. God will be on his throne and water will flow from under his throne. This water will create a wonderful life. It will heal that...

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Intercession for World Leaders

Intercession for World Leaders

We need more intercession for world leaders. With today's political climate the only thing that will make an impact is the church coming together and praying for God's wisdom to intervene. There is a lack of humility in politicians. We need to be lifting them up in...

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Cost of Being a Disciple

Cost of Being a Disciple

The Cost of Being a Disciple There is a cost of being a disciple. It doesn't cost us any money but it does cost us our lives. Jesus "If anyone would come." He doesn't twist our arm, he asks. What we pay in sacrifice is more than made up for in eternal reward. Luke...

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Love Never Fails

True Love

True love is life changing. There is nothing that compares to it. It fills our heart and can't to burst out and express itself to God or other people. This love is something that can only be found in Christ. You can't manufacture it or fake it. It is like a muscle,...

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Blessed Are the Excluded

Blessed Are the Excluded

Blessed are the excluded. The most prominent fear of most humans today is loneliness. To be excluded by those closest to us can cause irreparable damage to our emotions. We can also go to great lengths to appease people so that they won't exclude us. Jesus said that...

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New Wineskins

New Wineskins

It takes New Wineskins for a new work in our lives. Everyone wants to improve their lives. People spend millions of dollars a year to have the best looks, wardrobe, and accessories. We think we can buy our way to a new life but it never works that way. For a new work...

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God Will Show His Greatness

God Will Show His Greatness

God will show his greatness one day. So many people have a picture of preachers as people who preach hellfire and brimstone. The preacher is red-faced, yelling at the people, and saying they are all going to burn. Where did we get that picture? It comes from Ezekiel....

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New Spirit

New Spirit

Jesus gives us a new spirit. When we become a Christian, the Holy Spirit comes into us and makes us a new creation. This new spirit starts to work to make us into the image of Christ. It begins to produce fruit such as love, joy, and peace and God starts to use gifts...

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Transformed Heart

Transformed Heart

You can have a transformed heart. No matter what state you are in right now your life can be radically changed by Jesus Christ. If you will put your trust in him he will come into your heart and transform it. Gone will be the guilt and the shame. In its place will be...

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Desire the Gifts

Desire the Gifts

Desire the gifts of the Holy Spirit. That is Paul's charge to us. The Spirit gives us the gifts and then we operate in them to build up the church. We should also desire the higher gifts of prophecy, teaching, and evangelism. These are gifts that provide leadership...

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Watchman on the Wall

Watchman on the Wall

We are called to be Watchman on the wall. That is an Old Testament term for being on the lookout for attacks from the enemy. The devil prowls around like a lion looking for who he can devour. If we are on a spiritual siesta, we will be easy prey for him. He is looking...

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Manage Your Resources Well

Manage Your Resources Well

Manage your resources well. The Bible tells us to be good stewards or managers, of money. We are to pay our taxes, give faithfully to the church, and then live wisely off of the rest. If we get that out of order our financial house begins to crumble. Mark 12:17 “And...

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Treasure in Heaven

Treasure in Heaven

"Store up your treasure in heaven." That's what my grandma used to say all the time. It was her way of trying to take my focus off of money and onto God. The rich young ruler struggled with the same thing. He did the right thing but his wealth was a stumbling block to...

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Take Up Your Cross

Take Up Your Cross

The rich young ruler thought he had it all and in the world's eyes, he did. Jesus called him to deny himself by selling all he had to the poor. He then looked at the disciples and told them to" take up your cross." If the disciples were feeling confident because they...

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One Body, Many Gifts

One Body, Many Gifts

The church is one body, many gifts. We are to function as a human body which has multiple parts working simultaneously. Each part serves a role. The church functions the same way, Everyone has a role to play. Not everyone can do the same role, nor can they say another...

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