Fertile Soil in Our Hearts

by | Jul 19, 2019

Fertile Soil in Our Hearts I Daily Walk Devotion

I have had limited success in growing plants. I can keep our lawn green as long as the automatic sprinklers come on, but after that, it gets sketchy. For things to grow, you need fertile soil, good water, and sun. The same goes for Christians. We need to have fertile soil in our hearts, the water of the word of God, and Jesus at the center of our life. If these three are present, you will flourish.

‭‭Colossians‬ ‭3:16

“Let the word of Christ dwell richly among you, in all wisdom teaching and admonishing one another through psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts.”

Thriving Church

Paul wanted the church in Colossae to thrive. His whole book to them is full of advice on how to have a thriving walk with Jesus. In this passage, he is telling them to make sure their hearts are a place where the Word of God can grow. If the soil of our heart is shallow or full of weeds, nothing of value will grow because there are too many things choking it out. Add to that the accountability of singing songs that worship God, and you will have a continual source of good spiritual food.

Healthy Spiritual Diet

Most churches are made up of Biblical teaching and singing of spiritual songs. It has been that way sing the early church and continues through today. When you have a pastor that rightly divides the Word of God, you will be on a healthy spiritual diet. Add to that the singing of worship songs and you have positioned yourself in a good place. If you are consistent in your church attendance of your pastor isn’t teaching the Bible, then you are striving yourself and setting yourself up for failure.

Fertile Soil in Our Hearts

Is there gratitude in your heart? If not, it could be from a lack of praising God. Happiness that comes from possessions is temporary because we always want the next thing. When we lift our voices in worship to the mighty God, our hearts are filled with gratitude. It is then easier to return the gratitude to Jesus. Work on your worship and watch as there is a powerful change in your heart.