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How to Improve Your Daily Devotions
Have you ever wanted to know how to improve your daily devotions? The whole purpose of this website is to encourage and challenge you to a better devotional life. Spending time in God’s word and prayer is essential to our discipleship. It is the bread for our stomach and the light to our path. As we meditate on the scriptures, we grow in our knowledge and understanding. There are several steps you need to take each day to improve. On top of that, there are also multiple tools and resources that can augment your daily devotions.
Step One: Bible Reading Plan
The first step in how to improve your daily devotions is to start a Bible reading plan. Devotions always begin with Scripture. You need to be reading God’s Word on a daily basis. There are several plans out there that can get you started. For the last decade, I have been on the McCheyene reading plan. In it, you read four chapters of the Bible every morning, two in the old testament and two in the new testament. The enables you to read the Bible in a year and gives you a breadth of scripture each day. I suggest you download the Bible App. It is one of the most downloaded apps of all time, and best of all it is free. It has almost every Bible translation and thousands of devotionals plans. You can also download our app which gives you a reading plan, the daily walk devotion, and podcasts. The key is to commit to reading the Bible on a daily basis.
Step Two: Prayer
The second step in how to improve your daily devotions is to spend time in prayer. Prayer is simply talking to God as you would anybody else. You don’t have to be polished in your speech. In fact, Jesus commended the Tax Collector for his simple heart-wrenching prayer over the Pharisee who used religious words. Spend time in your devotions praying. Start with worship. Tell God how wonderful he is. Use the Psalms to help you out. King David was a great example. Next, confess your sins. We sin each day, and we need to consecrate ourselves (get clean). List them out and ask for forgiveness. The third step in prayer is thanksgiving. Thank God for all that he has done for you. Thank him for forgiving you, for his grace to save you, and for his provision. The final step in prayer is your needs, always make this last. List them out and
Step Three: Journal
The final step in how to improve your daily devotions is to journal. Write down what you are reading and how it ministers to you. It took me a long time to start journaling, but the Daily Walk Devotion sprung out of the journaling of my devotion times. I use Evernote to copy the scriptures that spoke to me that day, and then I write a short reflection based on one of those scriptures and finished by writing out my prayer requests. Doing this got me through a tough time in my ministry. I encourage you to start journaling. Keep it simple and pour out your heart into it. Over time you will see how faithful God was to you.
Step Four: Be Consistent
Find a consistent time and place to do your devotions. If you are a morning person find a quiet place in your house and get a cup of coffee or tea and pull out your Bible. Do it every morning, first thing. If you’re not a morning person, then do it in your car at lunchtime so you can be alone or at night right before you go to sleep. The key is that you do it in the same place at the same time. It will become a routine. If you don’t, you will find that you are missing your devotions more than not.
Below are some tools and resources that can add to your daily devotions:
Bible Gateway: This is the site we use to link all of our scripture too. It has a ton of resources that can help you grow in your relationship with Jesus Christ.
Enduring Word: This is a free commentary on the whole Bible. My friend David Guzik has written it, and I suggest you bookmark it. It will help explain all the difficult parts of the Bible
Evernote: Linked this above but it is the best online note taking app in the world, and it is free.
Bible App: Once again this is the most downloaded Bible app in the world. It is a must have
I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. Ephesians 4:1-3
Reaching the World
Did you know that Daily Walk Devotion ministers to people in over 50 countries on a weekly basis? Besides the United States, this devotion is read by people in the Philippines, South America, Saudi Arabia, and India. We are so thankful that this daily devotion is able to impact so many people on a daily basis. Did you know that you can get the devotion emailed to your inbox every weekday? Click here and fill out the form and it will be sent to you free of charge five times a week. Make sure to share it with those you know and like us on Facebook and Twitter.
Our Faith in Jesus Christ is a Daily Walk
The Apostle Paul used ‘walking” often in his writings, to refer to our journey with Christ. “Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time because the days are evil. Ephesians 5:15-16” Being a disciple isn’t a one-time event or something we do every once in a while, it is the daily interaction with Him. It is the step by step, one foot in front of the other walk that brings spiritual growth. It begins with the first step of salvation and continues daily by us walking with Christ.
Daily Scripture Reading is Essential to our Spiritual Growth
One of the most important ways that we walk with Jesus is to read our bible. Daily scripture reading is essential to our growth as a Christian and a daily devotion can help with that. Daily Walk Devotion is about helping you take your next step of faith.
It is that daily encouragement from scripture that will help you understand the Word of God and encourage you in your faith. Every weekday there will be a devotion posted on the website that is taken from scripture. Committing to reading your bible every day is a vital spiritual discipline. Adding a daily devotion to that can inspire and sustain you as you go about your day.
Guiding You to Your Next Step of Faith
The Daily Walk Devotion’s mission is to help you take your next step of faith by writing devotions that challenge and inspire you to walk with Jesus. You don’t have to go fast; you need to keep walking. So get up and get going. Start today. Subscribe to the email list and have the devotions sent directly to your inbox. Like us on Facebook and don’t forget to comment when a particular devotion ministers to you.
Chuck Musselwhite
Lead Pastor of the Village Chapel