There are a few things that I own that I would consider a prized possession. They are family heirlooms or gifts that have been given to me. They are priceless and irreplaceable. Did you know that you are God’s prized possession? He considers you holy and royal.
1 PETER 2:9
“But you are A CHOSEN RACE, A royal PRIESTHOOD, A HOLY NATION, A PEOPLE FOR God’s OWN POSSESSION, so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light;.”
Precious in His Eyes
Just reading this passage should make you realize how special you are in God’s eyes. The church is a chosen race, a real priesthood, a holy nation, and you are God’s prized possession. That’s quite a list, and it is what you become when you put your faith I trust in Jesus Christ. Don’t let anyone look down on you or tell you that you are worthless because, in God’s eyes, you are His precious possession. This is what God thinks about you!
Take the Path of Humility
You may not feel this way, and that’s okay. The best path to take forward is one of humility. You didn’t do anything to deserve this, but it was given to you. Your response should be one of gratitude and humility. Grace and mercy have been showered on you, and now you are part of the family of God with an inheritance of royalty. Take a cue from Jesus and take the form of a servant and show His love.
You Are God’s Prized Possession
Peter writes this so that you will go and tell others about Jesus Christ. Tell them how He plucked you out of the darkness of sin and shined His light on you. Testify how you are a new creation since finding salvation. Give others an opportunity to find the grace that you have. Let them know they can enter God’s family and become God’s prized possession.