
My name is Chuck Musselwhite and I have been a pastor since 1994. When you look at the date it looks like a long time but inside it doesn’t feel that way. God has been so good to me and my family during that time. Right after I graduated from Vanguard University (It was called Southern California College back in those days) I headed to Santa Maria, Ca to be an intern for a youth ministry. Upon arriving I was informed that the youth pastor was leaving and they wanted me to take over. In faith, I stepped into a role I knew nothing about and watched God do some pretty amazing stuff. After a year the church wanted to go a different direction so I was let go. I soon headed down to Rialto, Ca to be a youth pastor and serve as the church janitor. After two wonderful years there and marrying the love of my life I headed back to Santa Maria to work for Youth for Christ. Eventually, I was recruited to be the youth pastor at Calvary Chapel Santa Maria. It was there the seeds were planted in my heart to go and plant a church in Lompoc, Ca. Since 2007 I have pastored the Village Chapel.

Sometimes, something happens by chance and God uses that for His purposes. That is how you can describe this devotional site coming about. During one of the most difficult periods in my life, God led me to start journaling during my morning Bible reading. I had always been consistent in reading my Bible since college but had never gotten the knack for journaling. One morning God impressed upon my heart to pick one of the verses that spoke to me and write a few sentences about it. I did it all on my phone using the Bible app and Evernote. At first, it wasn’t pretty but soon my thoughts started coming together and it went from a few sentences to a long paragraph. It was at this point, six months after starting journaling, that God told me to start sharing my journals with the world. After recovery from a brief moment of panic I started a simple blog on WordPress and posted one each weekday.

At first, around thirty people would read it. Then one of my friends introduced me to Google and getting listed. To say it exploded after that would be an understatement. Traffic soared and soon it was reaching people all over the world. Since 2017 thousands of people have been ministered to by the thoughts the Holy Spirit has put on my heart. I can’t express my gratitude enough for all of those who have come to this site. In 2018 I published my first devotional called Daily Walk. It is a one-year devotional culled from the ones I have written here on the site.

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