Be Like the Holy One

by | Jun 18, 2021

Be Like the Holy One I Daily Walk Devotion

Who did you want to be like when you were growing up? Was it an athlete or musician? Maybe it was one of your parents? Whoever it was, you probably emulated their moves and figures of speech. As Christians, God wants you to be like the Holy One, His Son Jesus.

‭‭1 PETER‬ ‭1:14-16

“As obedient children, do not be conformed to the former lusts which were yours in your ignorance, but like the Holy One who called you, be holy yourselves also in all your behavior; because it is written, ” YOU SHALL BE HOLY, FOR I AM HOLY.””

Live Like Christ

Peter was concerned about how the Christians in the early church carried themselves in public. He wanted them to pray for their leaders and submit to their authority. He also wanted them to live as peace with their neighbors as much as possible. At the heart of all that is his desire to see them church strive for holiness. Jesus was holy while He walked the earth and as His disciples they were to do their best to be holy as well. God most predominate characteristic is holiness. Sin cannot exist in the same space because God is holy.

Conforming to His Image

It saddens me to see so many in the church today not even consider it. In fact, there is a “grace” movement that eschews holiness altogether and claims that anyone who tries to live holy is a legalistic Christian. While grace is freely available to any believer it shouldn’t be our default mode. If Christ is in us and the Spirit is working then we should be conforming towards holiness. To feel you have Carte Blanche to do whatever you do shows me that the flesh is winning out over the spirit.

Be Like the Holy One

In your efforts to be like the Holy One you can take two paths. You can get all determined and make some lists of things you should be doing and things you should be avoiding or you spend time with the Lord each morning, asking for the Spirit to work inside your heart to guide you. The first is a legalist and the second is a disciple. God wants you to be like His Son Jesus. That only happens when you are submitted to the Spirit.