Can You Hear Me?

by | Sep 19, 2018

Can You Hear Me I Daily Walk Devotion

Remember the famous phone commercial for Verizon “Can you hear me now?” It was a play on what most mobile phone users were saying as they walked around looking for good reception. As you read today’s verse in Hebrews, you can almost hear the Holy Spirit saying the same thing: “Can you hear me?”

‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭3:7-8‬

“Therefore, as the Holy Spirit says: Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion, on the day of testing in the wilderness,”

Are You Listening?

The Holy Spirit still speaks today. He does it through the Word of God, a soft still voice in your heart, or through the spiritual gift of another person. It’s not a matter of what he is saying but are we listening? There is so much noise and distractions today that it is hard to hear the whisper of the Holy Spirit. We need to learn how to quiet our minds and steady our hearts so that we can truly listen to him speak.

Hard Hearted

There is something else that can prevent us from hearing; it’s our hard hearts. Whether it be bitterness from past pain or callousness from unrepented sin our hearts can grow cold. It is next to impossible for us to listen because we have shut God out. We have become so distant that any faint voice can’t be heard. Ask Jesus to soften your heart today. Ask for forgiveness, confess your sins, and surrender your soul to the one who can turn your heart soft again.

Times of Testing

One more thing. There is another way that our ears go deaf. It is when we are in the midst of a trial or test. The sounds of the winds howling from the storm we are in can harden our heart. We can become angry at God because of the tough times we are going through. Don’t let this happen to you. All of us go through times of testing. Submit to the leading of the Holy Spirit and let him guide you through the trial.