Don’t Be Fooled

Don’t Be Fooled

Conspiracy theories run amok on the internet. There is rarely a day that goes by when I don’t hear of some new plot by the government to control our lives. Some of them are ridiculous, but others are tantalizing because they had a morsel of truth to them. As a...
Strength in Weakness

Strength in Weakness

Everyone wants to be strong. Whether it be physically or emotionally, we want to have what it takes to succeed, and nothing shouts success more than being strong. For the Christian, we find our strength in weakness. Say what? True strength is not found in us but...
Pray for Workers

Pray for Workers

It’s harvest season where I live. The field workers are picking lettuce and strawberries. They put in long hours to bring in the crops. In our area, there is a shortage of workers. The reason behind that is there is nowhere for them to live. Farmers can’t bring...
Are You Up To the Challenge

Are You Up To the Challenge

My oldest child is enamored with American Ninja Warrior. A while back, I got an email advertising tickets to one of the tapings for the current season. I took him and his buddy, and we went down to Universal Studios Hollywood and watched the Los Angeles finals on the...
Pick Your Battles

Pick Your Battles

‭‭Some of the best advice I’ve ever received is “Choose which mountain you want to die on.” What it means is that you can fight every fight. Choose your battles wisely. Some battles aren’t worth the air you expend others are worth laying down your life. As Christians,...
Give it Time

Give it Time

Patience is in short supply today. We want information and answers immediately. If we are forced to wait we are sure to let everyone know we are not happy. This is especially true when it comes to issues of justice. We see a person has done something wrong, but others...