Pick Up Your Cross

Pick Up Your Cross

One of the toughest things to do as a Christian is to pick up your cross and follow Jesus. Deciding to pick up your cross means that you identify with Jesus and open yourself up to all the rejection and shame that he received. The cross was the most shameful...
Finding Power in Prayer

Finding Power in Prayer

There are so many things in life where we are powerless. This can leave up feeling helpless. As a Christian, we have an avenue we can take to overcome those feelings, prayer. Finding power in prayer is one of the essential habits a believer must develop. This was the...
Producing a Heart that is Fruitful

Producing a Heart that is Fruitful

Are you a fan of summer fruit? I’m talking about watermelon, plums, peaches, and cherries. I look forward to eating these every year. Good fruit is the product of good soil. When you have ground that is rich in nutrients you are capable of growing almost...
Rest From Your Burdens

Rest From Your Burdens

Have you moved lately? We did a year ago and went from a large house to one less than half the size. Just cleaning out the house can overwhelm you. When friends show up to help it gives you rest from your burdens. Jesus does the same when life’s worries...
Watch Your Words

Watch Your Words

Watch Your Words. George Bernard Shaw wrote: “I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You both get dirty, but the pig likes it.” It is a wise proverb for us to heed. It merely means that we should avoid arguments with people who like to argue...
Incredible Faith

Incredible Faith

Soldiers are taught incredible faith. They are drilled over and over to put their trust in their fellow soldiers. This teaches them to work efficiently as a team and accomplish the mission. When they possess this incredible faith they can take the orders of a superior...