Who Are You Trying to Please?

Who Are You Trying to Please?

Who are you trying to please? It has been said that you can please some of the people some of the time, but you can never please all of the people all of the time. We can expend a lot of time and energy trying to make other people happy. As a Christian, we live for an...
Be of One Mind

Be of One Mind

Imagine a group of people that find great joy in being together, who work hard at resolving differences, with their minds are set on the same things as they live in harmony with one another. Sound enticing? That is what the church is intended to be. We are to be a...
Reap a Bounty

Reap a Bounty

The farmer works so that he may reap a bounty when harvest time comes. He puts the work in early and continues all the way through the harvest. To reap a bounty, he must sow accordingly. He can’t expect to harvest if he hasn’t planted. The same goes with...
Sustained in the Wilderness

Sustained in the Wilderness

I am a big fan of TV where people have to survive in the wilderness. Whether it be survivalists, who have to find food and construct a shelter out of whatever they find or people who build off of the grid, living sustained in the wilderness is intriguing to me. They...
Live with Integrity

Live with Integrity

It is said that reputation is on the outside and integrity is on the inside. Reputation is what others see you doing, and integrity is what you do when no one is watching. As Christians, we are called to live with integrity. We know that God is always watching what we...
Nothing is Too Hard

Nothing is Too Hard

Sometimes God has to break through our doubt. In our mind, it doesn’t make sense, and it isn’t logical. We have to remember that nothing is too hard for God. If He can bring water out of rocks and life to a valley of dry bones; He certainly can bring forth...