That’s Sharp

That’s Sharp

Some Japanese knives are so sharp that if you barely touch the knife to the surface of a piece of fruit, it will be so precise you won’t see the mark. That’s sharp! There is something sharper than that knife, and that is God’s Word. It can pierce the soul and the...
A Harvest of Abundant Fruit

A Harvest of Abundant Fruit

Israel was a society that relied on agriculture to survive. The farmers worked hard to take the land that God gave them to turn it into fertile soil that produced bumper crops. Because of that, Jesus often taught with stories or analogies that were based on growing...
Love Your Enemies

Love Your Enemies

Love is in short supply today. We are more bent on sharing our opinions and criticisms than we are any praise. Science backs this up. We are twice as likely to share the negative than we are the positive. The chemical reactions in our brains lean towards the negative....

From Weeping to Laughing

Babies can change emotions very quickly. They can go from crying to laughing in seconds once they get what they want. Take it away, and they start crying again. As an adult, you are expected to be more mature and not let your emotions swing suddenly. Jesus can take...
Take Care to Guard Your Heart

Take Care to Guard Your Heart

Your heart is the symbol of all of your feelings and emotions. It is the most sensitive place, and you protect it at all costs. This doesn’t mean that you don’t let people in so you won’t get hurt, but you keep it from evil. Take care to guard your...
You Will Come to Life

You Will Come to Life

In most first responders vehicles, there is a machine called a defibrillator. It allows the responder to sent a shock to your heart to bring you back to life. You are probably familiar with what it looks like. Two circular paddles get charged with electricity to send...