The Most Difficult Job

The Most Difficult Job

In my opinion, the greatest joy in life is being a parent. My wife and I have been blessed with four beautiful children. That doesn’t mean it has been easy by any stretch of the imagination. Parenting is also the most difficult job anyone will ever have, and it is...
Free From the Diet Police

Free From the Diet Police

In the United States today, we are celebrating Memorial Day. It is a time to remember all of those who have fallen defending our freedom. There will be ceremonies (although subdued because of COVID) at veteran memorials. People will also celebrate the unofficial start...
Words Do Hurt More than Sticks and Stones

Words Do Hurt More than Sticks and Stones

Remember the childhood saying, “Stick and stone may break my bones, but words will never hurt me?” That was another lie we tried to tell ourselves growing up. The truth words do hurt more than sticks and stones. Some words cause permanent damage. Paul tells us to let...
Labor of Love

Labor of Love

Our house is almost one hundred years old. It has a detached garage that was made for a horse and buggy, so it doesn’t fit a car. We use it for storage and my tool bench. Recently we started remodeling it so we would create an area for our four teenagers to have...
Walk Worthy of Your Faith

Walk Worthy of Your Faith

Most fitness places say you should get ten thousand steps in a day. That is approximately ten miles. When you get that much activity, your heart receives the workout; it needs to stay healthy. The Apostle Paul likens our faith to a walk, and he wants you to walk...
Heed the Warning

Heed the Warning

Are you one of those people who ignore the warning lights on the dashboard of your car? I must admit that there have been times where I have. Those lights are there for a reason, and we need to heed the warning. God gives us warning lights through His Word, the Holy...