We Are All One in Christ

We Are All One in Christ

There have been a lot of benefit concerts lately for all kinds of causes. They all have the same theme, “We are in this together.” I get what they are saying, but it seems strange to say it to people who are secluded in their homes. Yeah, we are all going through it,...
Remember the Golden Rule

Remember the Golden Rule

Were you taught the Golden Rule as a child? It always took the form of “Treat others like you want to be treated” or “If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all.” Whatever form you were taught, the premise remained...
A Breath of Fresh Air

A Breath of Fresh Air

Have you seen the pictures of major cities during the pandemic? I live near Los Angeles, and someone posted pictures of the first day in quarantine and then one thirty days later. The first day you could barely see the skyline because of all of the smog. On day...
Living by Faith

Living by Faith

Do you ever wonder what is going on with your life? Does it ever seem like you are not in control, and someone else is pulling the strings? If so, you are not alone. As a believer in Jesus Christ, you are in the hands of a loving God, and He is leading you in what is...
What Are You Looking For?

What Are You Looking For?

What are you looking for in your life? Is it happiness? Maybe it is financial security and success? Whatever it is, you will find thousands of experts who will tell you the path to get there. Do you want a thriving, growing relationship with Jesus Christ? Seek Him...
Wanting to Get Noticed

Wanting to Get Noticed

It seems we feel the need to show everyone every bit of our lives. This is especially true of anything of a spiritual nature. Whether it be a picture of our Bible and coffee for devotional time or a picture of the food we are taking to a neighbor, we want everyone to...