Hiking the Grand Canyon is one of the most beautiful experiences on earth. The views are unmatchable, and millions of people flock there every year to take them in. One thing in short supply when you hike it is water. If you don’t make proper preparations, you will be in big trouble not too far in. Several places along the trail you will find fountains that replenish your supply. The lines are often long with people desperate to hydrate. On our journey following Jesus, it is vital that we come to the fountain of life to replenish our dry and thirsty spirit.
John 4:10
“Jesus answered, “If you knew the gift of God, and who is saying to you, ‘Give Me a drink,’ you would ask Him, and He would give you living water.”
Object of Our Worship
The encounter at the well with the Samaritan woman was unique in Scripture, but it’s impact still resonates today. The questions she asked Jesus was where should she worship. Jesus turned the question on its head and said the place isn’t as important as the heart is. There was a debate raging between the Jews and Samaritans on which mountain was the right place to worship. Jesus shows us that the object of our worship what matters most.
Seek His Face
Churches get caught up in the buildings they build. As a Pastor, I understand how essential buildings are, but, I also have seen them turn into idols and money pits. If the presence of the Holy Spirit isn’t in the building during the services, it doesn’t matter how beautiful the structure is. As the Body of Christ, we need to seek the face of Jesus and let Him take care of the rest. He is the fountain of life that we need to go to daily.
Come to the Fountain of Life
When you come to the fountain of life, you tap into a source that is inexhaustible. We can drink from everything else this world has to offer, and we will always get thirsty again. Once we drink of the living water, Jesus offers, we will be filled with life that supersedes everything else. Don’t get caught up in the rituals or structures. Seek the face of Jesus. He will change you in ways you can’t imagine.