Fill Your Tank

by | Mar 10, 2021

Fill Your Tank I Daily Walk Devotion

Are you one of those people who run your car till the last drop of gas is used? Is the low fuel light lit continuously on your dashboard? Did you know running your car that way does damage to your engine? All the dirt in gasoline that settles at the bottom of your tank gets sucked into the engine when you run it at low levels. The same can be said for Christians who live their lives without getting God’s Word into their hearts daily. Fill your tank each morning.

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭1:2‬

“But his delight is in the law of the LORD, And in His law he meditates day and night.”

Walk Upright

The Psalms show us the way into the presence of the Lord. It could be said that Psalm 1 is the foundation that every other Psalm is built on. David lays out the keys to an upright life and what trips the righteous up. In this passage, he tells the reader that the upright delights in the law of the Lord. As a New Testament believer, you can switch the Law of the Lord for the Word of God. A believer finds great joy in thinking on the word throughout the day. Charles Spurgeon got the idea for his devotional “Morning and Evening” from this passage. The thought was that you started and ended the day with the Word of God.

Running on Empty

Think of your faith as an automobile and the fuel that runs it as the Word of God. Many Believers aren’t full of joy because their tank is empty. They are running off the fumes of their faith and are always wondering why they are worn out. David tells us that if we meditate on the Word of God day and night, we are like a tree planted by living waters. You fill your tank of faith each morning when you get into God’s Word. When you run out the door without it, you run the risk of being broken down by the roadside of life.

Fill Your Tank

Find your joy in the Lord and His Word. It is living and powerful, and it’s more than knowledge and wisdom to guide your life. It is the counsel of God that breathes life into your soul. Going without it is like depriving yourself of what you need the most. Get the Scripture into your heart and let it take hold by thinking about it through the day.