Firmly Planted

by | Sep 30, 2020

Firmly Planted I Daily Walk Devotion

We once lived in an area that was wracked by gophers. We couldn’t grow a nice lawn, no matter what we did. One time we bought some raised planter boxes, laid gopher wire underneath, and planted a garden. The plants grew up nice and tall, and then one day they started falling over, one by one. Somehow the gophers were able to get in there and eat the roots. With Jesus Christ, we are firmly planted in fertile soil and watered by His Word.

‭Ezekiel‬ ‭36:9

“For, behold, I am for you, and I will turn to you, and you will be cultivated and sown.”

Back to Life

This section of Ezekiel is truly amazing! The prophet foretells how God is going to breathe life again into a dead nation. We see pictures of dry bones being brought back to life, and now we see God telling the people that He is with them and that they will be replanted. This time they will grow because He will cultivate the plant by putting His Spirit in them. What a promise!

Future Promise

Did you know a similar promise has been made to you? In Joel 2, God tells us that He will pour out His Spirit, and the old men will dream dreams, and young me will see visions. This happened on Pentecost to the early church. Since then, the church has been empowered by the Spirit to bring life to those who are dead. You were filled with the Spirit at salvation and now have what is necessary to take the Gospel to people all over.

Firmly Planted

Are you firmly planted in your faith in Jesus Christ? Do you get a regular diet of God’s Word? That is the difference between a plant that thrives and one that falls over at the first breeze. Make sure you are maturing to the point where you are eating the meat of the Word and not drinking the milk. When this happens, you will see the roots of your faith grow strong and secure.