If you’ve read this devotion very long, one of the phrases you’ve heard me use repeatedly is “focus your eyes on Jesus.” Part of that comes from Colossians 3, which tells us to fix our mind on things above, and part of it comes from this passage. You will never go wrong when you focus on Jesus. He is the author and finisher of your faith. If you keep your mind on what He is concerned about, you will rarely venture off the path.
“fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.”
Run the Race
The writer of Hebrews likens the Christian faith to running a race. This is why many think that Paul is the author of this book. This passage is similar to the ones in his epistles to Timothy. If you’re gonna run a race, you need to be lean and unencumbered with any excess weight. Hebrews 12:1 tells you to shed the sin and run with endurance because a great cloud of witnesses surrounds you. Then it goes on in verse two to say fix your eyes on Jesus because He is the one who made you who you are.
Author of Your Faith
Great runners achieve milestones because of their determined focus. Disciples grow in their faith and devotion by focusing on Jesus, the source of their life. He is the originator of your faith because He was sent on a mission by His Father to endure the cross and shame. He was successful and did it with joy. This means you can confidently look to Him as He perfects your faith.
Focus on Jesus
Life often seems less like a race and more like an obstacle course, with the finish line being the least of your worries. That is why what the writer of Hebrews says here is so essential. If you are worn down, you need to look to the unending source of life. Focus on Jesus and let Him fill you with everything you need. It is a well you can go to every morning and draw from.