God Knows the Heart

by | Oct 8, 2019

God Knows the Heart I Daily Walk Devotion

The heart is the place where all of our emotions reside. It’s where our feelings are birthed, and they guide much of our throughs and actions. In old English literature, authors often referred to a person dying from a broken heart. We need to guard it with everything in us. People want to hurt it. God knows the heart. He knows if it is pure.

‭‭Acts‬ ‭15:8

And God, who knows the heart, bore witness to them by giving them the Holy Spirit, just as he also did to us.”

A Change of Mind

The Jerusalem council was a meeting of all of the early church leaders. Peter and Paul were both there, and they decided, once and for all, that Gentiles weren’t required to follow the Old Testament Law and be circumcised. Peter’s defense of this point of view was his experience preaching at Cornelius’ house where the Holy Spirit fell on all the people in the house. Before that Gentiles were unclean to Jews, but God showed him in a vision they were okay.

God Knows the Heart

It’s a matter of the heart. While man looks at outward appearances, God knows the heart. He sees what is going on underneath the surface. He knows the thoughts we struggle with and the emotions we battle like bitterness. The only way our heart can be changed is through the power of the Holy Spirit. He comes in and cleans house and starts to guide us in the way of Christ.

Led by the Spirit

Living a life led by the Holy Spirit is the best path to choose. Our days are filled with battles between the flesh and the Spirit. If we don’t have the Spirit there to empower us to win those battles, we plunge on a downward spiral. When we walk in the leading of the Spirit, He leads us on the right path and into divine appointments with the right people. We also start to see fruit appear. We begin to be more loving, patient, and kind. Resisting the leading stunts our spiritual growth. Where are you at today? God knows the heart.

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