Have You Heard Correctly?

by | May 13, 2022

Have Your Heard Correctly I Daily Walk Devotion

My wife told me to get my hearing checked the other day. It seems like I am not hearing what anyone in the house is saying. It would have nothing to do with being glued to my iPad or anything like that. When we are distracted, it reduces our ability to hear. Jesus brings up an interesting question to His followers, “Have you heard correctly?”

‭‭JOHN‬ ‭18:37

“Therefore Pilate said to Him, “So You are a king?” Jesus answered, “You say correctly that I am a king. For this, I have been born, and for this, I have come into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice.”

Hear Christ’s Voice

When both Pilate and Herod were questioning Jesus, He was asked if He was a king. Herod was threatened by anyone who could counter his power. Pilate was just curious. Why would the Jews bring their king to be crucified? Jesus told him the truth and said that every who hears correctly hears His voice. Only those led to Jesus were able to hear His voice.

A Solid Foundation

Have you heard correctly? Jesus tells us in the Sermon on the Mount that two men built houses. One built it on a solid foundation and the other on shifting sand. The differences in the foundation were those who heard the Word of God and obeyed it. The foolish man heard the Word of God and went and did his own thing. Is your hearing leading to obedience?

Have You Heard Correctly?

The world is interested in power and influence, but Jesus is interested in obedience. You won’t be able to tell who is obeying Jesus and those who are ignoring him until a storm comes or they stand before Jesus. Make sure your life is built on a solid foundation of filling your heart with the Word of God and then doing it. You will withstand the storms of life and stand before Jesus and hear, “Well done, good and faithful servant.

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