His Mercy is New Every Morning

by | Apr 29, 2020

His Mercy is New Every Morning I Daily Walk Devotion

Some Bible verses spark a song in your head as soon as you read it. Today’s verse in Lamentations is precisely that. I remember as a kid singing a worship song that was set to this verse. It was so simple and easy to sing. God’s lovingkindness never ceases, and His mercy is new every morning. Talk about never failing you.

‭‭Lamentations‬ ‭3:22-23‬

The LORD’S loving kindnesses indeed never cease, For His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness.”

Spared the Consequences

Mercy is often confused with grace. Grace is getting something we don’t deserve, like the forgiveness of God. Mercy is not getting what we do deserve, like the consequences of our sins. Jeremiah, the author of lamentations, tells us that God’s mercy is new every morning. That means there is a constant supply and that it’s fresh for each day. When you sin today there is enough mercy. It doesn’t matter how much you blew it yesterday. You can go to God, and it will be there.

Never Runs Out of Love

God’s mercy is just one of the ways that shows us that He is faithful. His lovingkindness is there as well. Just as God’s mercy is new every morning, His lovingkindness never runs out. He is here showing us His tender love even when we ignore and rebel against Him. His kindness towards us is unconditional. No matter how we act, He will always respond that way.

His Mercy is New Every Morning

God sees us as we really are. He peers through all the layers and looks compassionately at our hearts. He sees where we’ve been hurt and treats us accordingly. If we are full of fear, He is there to comfort us, always being faithful. Rest in Him today. Cast all of your cares upon Him and find true peace. His Mercy is new every morning.