Know Jesus More

by | Aug 9, 2018

Know Jesus More I Daily Walk Devotion

It is said that you really don’t know someone till you have walked a mile in their shoes. This gives you an understanding of what their life is like. The Apostle Paul wanted to know Jesus more, and he knew that meant he had to be willing to go through what Christ did.

Philippians 3:10

My goal is to know him and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of his sufferings, being conformed to his death,”

Paul is famous for his lists. In short little spurts, he pens some incredible words to live by. Here Paul tells us his greatest desire is to know Jesus. This isn’t just knowledge about Jesus but a deep relationship. This should be something all of us aspire to.

Go Deeper

Paul encourages us to know Jesus more deeply. Be more than just an acquaintance or a casual friend, be committed to spending your life with him every day. That means we need to spend time in his Word and prayer. Consult him on every decision. Most importantly though is to make it a friendship. Walk with him and talk about your life, then listen.

Know the Power

Second, know the power of the resurrection. If Jesus would’ve just died on the cross, he would’ve gone down in history as a great teacher and martyr. The resurrection is the power over death and sin. Death couldn’t keep him down. There is power for the believer today! He has given us a new life full of the Holy Spirit. Walk in that power and let him use you.

Join the Team

Paul also wanted to be part of the fellowship of sufferings. Christ suffered while he was on earth and he said we would too. When we are persecuted for following Jesus, we join an elite group of people who have stood for their faith. Embrace that and understand that we have each other for love and support.


We should all want to know Jesus more. It changes us when we commit to a deeper walk with him. We understand that we can live by his power and there is a fellowship of believers who are going through the same thing as us.