It seems like the world is upside down right now. What was once right is now wrong and what was once bad is now good. Isaiah the prophet told us “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil.” How do we navigate this new world as Christians? Making sense of it all can be challenging. Don’t lose hope.
Mark 14:48-50
And Jesus said to them, “Have you come out as against a robber, with swords and clubs to capture me? Day after day I was with you in the temple teaching, and you did not seize me. But let the Scriptures be fulfilled.” And they all left him and fled.
Stood Alone
Betrayed and deserted, Jesus knew the heartache of doing the will of his father. He ministered to people all over Israel, healing the sick, yet he was crucified by those who should’ve known better. When he was in Jerusalem, he was in the temple teaching, yet the leaders of the temple arrested him in the middle of the night. What was his disciple’s response? They all left him and fled. At the cross, Jesus stood alone.
Scripture Fulfilled
Where is the justice in the world? Why would they want to get rid of someone who did so much good? Jesus gives us a clue when he says “let the Scriptures be fulfilled.” He knew he had to go to the cross to accomplish his Father’s plans. It may not seem fair but in the whole scheme of things, it was necessary.
Stay the Course
Following Jesus will make you part of the church, but your obedience to him might find you lonely and isolated. The path that God has you on may be going upstream while everyone you know is going with the flow. Don’t get discouraged. You have to remember that you are never alone, CHRIST is with you. As long as you trust him he will give you the strength, peace, and joy that you need to walk daily with him. Making sense of it all.