Nothing New Under the Sun

by | Mar 4, 2019

Nothing New Under the Sun I Daily Walk Devotion

Technology is pushing the limits daily. Each month some gadget comes out that will change our lives and make things easier. The funny thing is that most of it seems to be a remake and improvement of something that was invented decades ago. It goes to show you there is nothing new under the sun.

‭‭Ecclesiastes‬ ‭1:9‬

“What has been is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done; there is nothing new under the sun.”

No Longer Excited

Ecclesiastes is the grumpy old man to Proverbs. Solomon writes both but one was when he was young and the other when he was old. I’ll let you guess which one is which. It would be easy to get depressed reading this book. He is down on almost everything, and this was coming from someone who has had and done it all. He is no longer excited about anything.

Same Results

There is some truth to the fact that there is nothing new under the sun. The Oscar for best picture in 2019 was a replica of a movie which won in 1989. Clothing fashions come and go. Pretty soon you will be wearing bell bottoms again. The truth is that we keep doing the same thing hoping we will get a different result.

Consistency is Key

This verse reminds us that there is nothing wrong with consistency. Doing good things over and over will produce good results. The Farmer doesn’t plow his field only once. He does it again at the beginning of every growing season. Reading your Bible and praying every day will have a profound effect on your spiritual life. You will grow in your knowledge and closer to Jesus.

Fresh Inspiration

At the same time, it is crucial that we don’t get stuck in a rut with our life. When we do, we become stale and frustrated. We need to come to the Lord for fresh inspiration. We need to allow the Holy Spirit to guide us in the right direction. When we are walking in the will of God, there is a renewed energy. Don’t let your faith grow cold and bitter as Solomon’s did.