Put Aside Childish Things

by | Apr 1, 2019

Put Aside Childish Things I Daily Walk Devotion

April Fools is an interesting holiday. Back before Facebook made every day some kind of recognition and celebration we had days like April Fools where you could have fun. It was a time to expose everyone’s gullibility and have a good laugh. To have a day to act a little foolish is okay as long as it doesn’t spill over into everyday life and become the norm. Paul tells us to put aside childish things and act mature.

1 Corinthians‬ ‭13:11

“When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put aside childish things.”

Time to Grow Up

It is incredible how much immaturity resides in the church. People throw selfish temper tantrums all the time and look out for their selfish interests. The church in Corinth was no different. Paul wants them to grow up spiritually and put away the childish things. As a new believer, we are given time to learn and discover the right behavior, but the Corinthians were mature believers but were acting like children.

Be Outward Focused

Put aside childish things in your faith. An immature believer is inward focused wanting God to take care of all of their needs. A mature believer is someone who is outward focused, and they trust that God knows their needs. They can then focus on meeting the needs of others. An immature believer expects everyone to pay attention to them. A mature believer is content and doesn’t need the praise of others to propel them forward.

Move from Milk to Meat

There comes a time in our faith where we must decide to grow up. Paul calls it moving from milk to the meat of the Word of God. A baby needs the milk to grow but as they develop the milk no longer satisfies. They need something more substantial. We need to flex our spiritual muscles and start standing on our own. Put aside childish things and use the gifts God has given you.

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