Remain in the Light

by | Apr 19, 2019

Remain in the Light I Daily Walk Devotion

Have you ever turned on the light in a room and seen critters scatter to the dark? I once moved into a rental where I had many unwanted roommates. I would lay in bed and hear the scampering of rodents in the walls. Eventually, I won the war and evicted all of the squatters, but it wasn’t easy. Darkness will always be the enemy of the light, especially when it comes to following Christ. If we linger around the fringe of the darkness, we run the risk of being sucked in. Remain in the light.

‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭5:20

“Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness, who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.”

Beware of Evil

If there is a verse that describes and explains today’s culture, it would be this one. Seeing politicians and entertainers come to the defense and champion sins that are despicable to God is shocking. We need to beware of those who call evil good and good evil. It was a problem in Isaiah’s time, and it continues up to today. Whenever someone walks away from the light of Christ, this is where they end up.

Turned Upside Down

When sin grabs hold of your life, it turns it upside down. What was once wrong is now right, and what was once sweet to your soul is now bitter. You become defensive of our actions instead of being convicted, and thus you have to call now good that which is knowingly wrong. Sin corrupts you from the inside out and soon what was hidden on the inside now becomes celebrated on the outside.

Stay Humble

It is essential that you don’t get too confident in yoursel as a Christian. This is a subtle and slippery slope that even the strongest of believers have fallen on. Guard yourself against this by filling our hearts and minds with the Word of God and be resisting Evil. You also need to make sure that you remain humble, nut judgmental of others and always be aware of our propensity to sin. This will help you guard against having your heart go dark.