Typically I will start my day with a two and a half mile walk. I do it early in the morning so that I can avoid the crowded streets. It gives me a time to pray, listen to a podcast, and think about what the day holds. One of my typical prayers is to ask God to lead me on the right path and to make my spirit sensitive to what he wants me to do. As the new year begins I want to encourage you to start off on the right path.
1 Samuel 2:9
“He guards the steps of his faithful ones, but the wicked perish in darkness, for a person does not prevail by his own strength.”
A Mother’s Prayer
This quote comes from Hannah’s prayer in 1 Samuel. If you don’t know the story, Hannah was barren but wanted a child desperately. God blessed her with a son, Samuel, whom she dedicated to the Lord. In her song, she talks about God’s provision and protection over those whom he loves. In this stanza, she sings of how he guards the steps of his faithful ones. We can be assured that if we faithfully follow the Lord, he will lead us and protect us.
Follow the Leading of the Holy Spirit
Being faithful means that we put our whole trust in the Lord. It’s not us going about our business and asking God to bless what we are doing. Faithfulness is a daily dying to our plans and agenda and seeking Jesus on what his desires are for our life. It is guiding our steps by the light of his word and learning to listen and follow the leading of the Holy Spirit.
At a Crossroads
When we try to do things under our own strength, we will find we never have enough to obtain what we are seeking. We can strive and toil, but we will always come up short. As a Christian, our job is to submit to the Lordship of Jesus Christ and allow him to use our gifts and abilities for his glory. Often he will choose to work through our weaknesses so that he gets the credit and we don’t become full of pride.
Choose the Right Path
As you begin this new year make sure you are on the right path. You can make resolutions to change your life but if you want to make a difference walk the path that God has for you. Seek Jesus as you go about each day and ask him to make the changes you want to see in your life. As you walk daily with him watch as you see him open doors you never knew were there and bring about opportunities you never thought possible.