The Light We Need

The Light We Need

You can never have enough light in my book—overhead lights, table lamps, and even lights that illuminate the background. I like to see what I am doing. My wife doesn’t agree with me. I will often turn the lights in, and then she will come in and turn half of them off....
Call Upon Jesus

Call Upon Jesus

Are you someone who is afraid of the dark? When you have to venture into a place where you cannot see do you call out to those with you? The Psalmist addresses the issues of being lost. He assures us that the Lord is near. All we have to do is to call upon Jesus....
Renew Your Mind

Renew Your Mind

The mind is one of your strongest muscles. Its learning capacity is untapped. As a human, you can choose what you want to put into those memory banks. That can be a challenge living in today’s world, where you are bombarded with ungodly images. Paul shows you a way to...
God is Patient With You

God is Patient With You

If you were put in your parents’ place and had to raise you, would you be more patient than your parents or less? The answer would probably be less in most cases. That’s because you know yourself and what your intentions are. Your parents want the best for...
Finding Refuge in the Lord

Finding Refuge in the Lord

Touring old castles can give you a picture of God’s love and protection. Those castles have been around for centuries and provided shelter and protection to multitudes. It endured battles, and weathered storms yet remain. That is what David is talking about when he...