Seasons of Growth

Seasons of Growth

The seasons are starting to change. In my area, winter is starting to give way to spring. The days are getting longer, and the temperatures are starting to warm up. With the rains, the hills all around are turning green, and life is sprouting up everywhere. Most...
Walk in the Truth

Walk in the Truth

There is a humorous belief in the United States that men never ask for directions. This may be true where you live also but it has risen to epic proportions here. Men will drive around lost for hours instead of humbling themselves and asking someone who knows how to...
Full of Life

Full of Life

Finding someone full of life is getting to be a challenge. It seems the stress of the world is weighing everyone down. Everyone is being tossed back and forth by the waves of events that have gripped our world. Jesus never intended for us to live lives of...
Can’t Touch This

Can’t Touch This

One of the songs on my youth is MC Hammer’s “Can’t Touch This.” It’s all about how Hammer is untouchable because he is so good. Be careful in thinking too much of yourself, it didn’t work out too well for him. Jesus told His disciples something similar when they told...
Discern the Times

Discern the Times

These are crazy times. There is not a week where I don’t encounter something completely insane. People are acting strange, and many of them are professing Christians. How do you navigate what is true and false? John tells us to discern the times. False prophets who...