Praise the Power of the Lord

Praise the Power of the Lord

Humility isn’t found in too many places of power. So much energy is expended on leaders extolling their greatness and downplaying their weaknesses. Very few, if any, world leaders recognize the sovereign power of the Almighty Lord. King David was a sharp...
Leap of Faith

Leap of Faith

I went bungee jumping once. Jumping would be a generous description. I got to to the top of the tower, looked down, and more or less leaned over and let gravity do the rest. There was no spring in my legs or lift off from my feet. As I barreled down to my certain...
You Can’t Claim Ignorance

You Can’t Claim Ignorance

There are a lot of people that claim ignorance when confronted with something they have done. They think their reply, “I don’t know,” will get them off the hook. Paul could sense that when he was speaking to the intellectuals in Athens. You...
Examine the Scriptures

Examine the Scriptures

Were you a good student in school? Did you get good grades and enjoy the classroom experience? Not everyone can say that, but you can be a good student of the Bible when you examine the scriptures. We see a group of people today who heard Paul preach and were eager to...
Separating the Wheat from the Chaff

Separating the Wheat from the Chaff

When farmers harvest wheat, they need to remove the stalk and the outer shell, called the chaff, to get to the kernel. They have to beat the wheat plant to separate what is useful from what is useless. Jesus uses this as an example of how God will come for His...