Sowing Seeds for Shouts of Joy

Sowing Seeds for Shouts of Joy

Difficult times produce a deep work in your soul. In the darkest moments, you may feel like you will never emerge from the struggle, but today’s passage will give you hope. Those tears you are shedding are sowing seeds for shouts of joy. Don’t lose hope if your...
God Promises to Protect His People

God Promises to Protect His People

There is a reason that Jerusalem is a place of controversy; it is central to God’s plans for eternity. It will be where Jesus sets up His millennial reign, and it is what heaven will be called after the destruction of the earth and God ushers in a new world. The...
The Anointing of the Holy Spirit

The Anointing of the Holy Spirit

Every believer needs to aware of the spiritual scams out there. Ministers and businessmen will prey upon the innocent and naive. They will take a smidgen of scripture and twist it to make it serve their purposes so they can extract your money from your wallet. You...
Falling Away from Your Faith

Falling Away from Your Faith

I am going to address a passage today that sparks a lot of debate, falling away from your faith. The writer of Hebrews addresses this issue in chapter six, and he doesn’t paint a pretty picture. If you have experienced life with Jesus and then turned away, there is no...
Should Churches Pay Pastors?

Should Churches Pay Pastors?

Should the church pay pastors? There are a lot of people who don’t think so. They use Jesus and Paul as models of people who didn’t take money for their ministry. While I understand what they are saying, I disagree. Jesus was supported by wealthy and...