Seek the Good

Seek the Good

One thing COVID has done is increase the gap between the wealthy and poor. Most of the jobs that were lost were the low-paying ones that the poor often hold. With most of these businesses closed, workers were furloughed, or worse, the business closed, and the job was...
If It Is of God It Won’t Fail

If It Is of God It Won’t Fail

Have you ever felt defeated when God has led you to do a work, and it faced resistance? Did you give up or push through? It is normal to question what you are called to do when you face any opposition. The Jewish leaders wanted to kill Peter and John, but they backed...
Crowned with Glory

Crowned with Glory

Most people are so focused on what is urgent or in front of them that they never stop to look at the big picture. Seeing things from another perspective can help you see that things are not as bad as you might think. David shows us God’s perspective in today’s...
Shaking the Foundations

Shaking the Foundations

If you have ever lived through an earthquake, you know what it is like for the ground to move beneath your feet. I’ve been in tall buildings and lying on a waterbed when an earthquake hit. Both personified the shaking and made it feel worse than it was. The Holy...
You Need to Be Prepared

You Need to Be Prepared

There were some old cartoons when I was a kid that showed an angel on one shoulder and a devil on another as the character tried to decide. The devil always tried to get the character to do the wrong thing, while the angel did the opposite. Sadly, the devil has been...