The Great White Throne Judgment

The Great White Throne Judgment

If you have ever stood before a judge, you have felt that sense of judgment. Even if you were innocent, you still stood there with a sense of possible doom if things didn’t go your way. At the final judgment, it won’t be a courtroom but a throne on which God sits and...
Missed Opportunities

Missed Opportunities

Some of the biggest regrets people have are missed opportunities. If they would’ve taken a chance, their life would be so much better. Jonah was presented with an opportunity to be used by God, but he chose to run away, which led to a storm, followed by being...
The Foolish Heart

The Foolish Heart

Every report about the church today foretells bad news. More and more people are identifying as a “none” or are not affiliated with any religion. People don’t want to be affiliated with hate, or they just don’t believe what they were taught...
Are You Making Yourself Ready?

Are You Making Yourself Ready?

Brides spend a lot of time and money getting ready for their special day. They want every detail to be perfect because it is going to be a celebration with loved ones. There is a lot of stress leading up to it, but in the end, it is all worth it. Did you know that the...
It May Come Back on Your Head

It May Come Back on Your Head

Growing up, you hear things like “You get out what you put in” and “No pain, no gain.” All of it is meant to motivate a person to put the hard work in so that you will get the intended result. There is a flip side to that thinking. If you...