Looking for a Humble Heart

Looking for a Humble Heart

I met a pastor once who was motivated and charismatic. He had grand plans for his life and how God was going to use him on an international stage. There was only one problem, while he looked the part and had a great personality, he wasn’t very humble. He also wasn’t...
Established and Encouraged Together

Established and Encouraged Together

The Holy Spirit did some incredible things in the early church. From the day of Pentecost, the church was spread over the known world. They didn’t have seminary-trained pastors but men and women who loved Jesus. They grew numerically and spiritually because they...
A Place to Get Alone with Jesus

A Place to Get Alone with Jesus

There are a few places where I meet with God. The first is on my couch early in the morning before anyone wakes up. The second place is in my car driving to work. The third place is out on my bike in the hills near where I live. Each of these places allow me some...
Dwell Together in Unity

Dwell Together in Unity

I often laugh when someone says, “Can’t we all just get along?” They don’t mean it. They usually want the conflict to go away. We either want people to see things our way, or we don’t want to deal with them at all. God wants unity in His...
Are You for the Lord?

Are You for the Lord?

There is rarely a week that goes by where I don’t hear how some Christian leader has compromised their faith by falling into sin or agreeing with the world. It saddens me, but it also discredits the Gospel. Are you for the Lord? Will you take a stand for truth?...