Rich in Faith

Rich in Faith

If you have ever been to the poor part of town, the differences are noticeable. Buildings are run down, and there seem to be more people in less space, but you will often find a close-knit community. People care for one another more and are there for each other when...
God’s Forever Home

God’s Forever Home

My wife and I are big fans of home improvement shows. We love seeing houses that are complete wrecks transformed into beautiful places. We watch them because we are looking for a home that we can do the same, our forever home. God’s forever home is Jerusalem. He...
How to Control Your Anger

How to Control Your Anger

Everyone could use a little anger management these days. It seems people get triggered over anything. That tells you that people are too full of their own opinions and not willing to listen. This leads to people exploding when someone expresses an opinion they...
Every Good Thing is from Above

Every Good Thing is from Above

Counting your blessings is something that will keep you grounded. Taking time to reflect on all that God has given you can change your heart. It helps you ward off pride and reminds you that every good thing is from above. James, Jesus’ brother, warns us not to...
Jesus Never Changes

Jesus Never Changes

People change over time. They get older, and their youthfulness turns into maturity. There is change going on inside as well. Youthful exuberance can often give way to stubbornness. Jesus never changes. He is the same that He was from the beginning and will remain...