The Lord Takes Pleasure in You

by | Aug 10, 2021

The Lord Takes Pleasure in You I Daily Walk Devotion

Did you know that the Lord takes pleasure in you? You are wonderfully made in His image, and He loves watching you as you grow in your faith. He’s not sitting on some high mountain looking down upon you, waiting till you do something wrong. That is the image of some gods, like Greek mythology, but your Heavenly Father is very fond of you. Go about your day with the assurance that He finds pleasure in you.

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭149:4

“For the Lord takes pleasure in his people; he adorns the humble with salvation.”

God’s Steadfast Love

The Psalmist knew how to construct his words in a way that reaches his reader’s hearts. For a nation like Israel, which had a history of disappointing and angering God, they needed to hear that the Almighty God takes pleasure in His people. God is steadfast in His love and won’t be swayed by a misstep or a season of rebellion. His love for you remains even when you forsake Him. Do you feel like you have disappointed Him with how your life has turned out? Take heart. If you are one of His children, He still loves you.

Not Always Pleased

It is essential to know that while the Lord takes pleasure in you, He is not always pleased with everything you do. Just as Israel angered him, there are times where He is upset with your actions. Israel was disciplined for its behavior, and you may go through a season of chastening for your decisions. Learn from it and make the necessary changes. It will be painful at first, and the path will be difficult, but you will discover that the outcome is far more than what you imagined.

The Lord Takes Pleasure in You

There is one last part to this verse, “He adorns the humble with salvation.” A big part of the pleasure that God feels towards you is based on your attitude. If you are arrogant or stubborn, there are going to be repercussions. What the Lord is looking for you is a humble attitude. Even if you blow it, God can pull you out of a jam just because your attitude is right. Remember that the Lord’s love is steadfast, so remain humble.