One thing that gets me down as a pastor is watching extremely talented people waste those talents by letting them sit idle. God has uniquely gifted everyone to serve Him, and we are expected to use those talents for His glory. When we do, there is a promised reward. When we don’t, it disappoints God, but it will also bring with it a consequence. Use your talents.
Luke 19:26
“I tell you that to everyone who has, more shall be given, but from the one who does not have, even what he does have shall be taken away.”
God-Given Responsibility
This passage comes from the end of the parable on the Talents. If you remember, three servants were given Talents by their master, who was going away on a long trip. The first servant was given five talents, the second was given two talents, and the third was given one. During the master’s absence, the first two doubled their talents while the third one buried his. When the master came, he judged each three but what they produced. The third servant was rebuked, and their talent was taken away and given to the first servant. Jesus finished up this parable by saying to those who have, more will be given, but to those who do not have, what they have will be taken away.
Produce Fruit
This is a straightforward parable to understand. We are expected, as Christians, to use our gifts for the kingdom of God. We are to produce fruit from our labor. To those who produce, more will be given. Unfortunately, to those who don’t, there will be a harsh judgment. You can’t sit on the sidelines of faith and not do any works from it. If you do, it will not go well.
Use Your Talent
As I say many times in these devotionals, one day you will stand before the Lord and have to answer for the life you lived. Our rewards will be based on the fruit that was produced through us. To those who are faithful and serve the Lord, there will be a fantastic reward. For those who focused on themselves, it will be slim pickings. Be the one who is well rewarded.