Watchman on the Wall

by | Sep 28, 2017

Watchman on the Wall I Daily Walk Devotion

We are called to be Watchman on the wall. That is an Old Testament term for being on the lookout for attacks from the enemy. The devil prowls around like a lion looking for who he can devour. If we are on a spiritual siesta, we will be easy prey for him. He is looking for those who are unaware. Be a watchman on the wall. Don’t let your guard down.

Ezekiel 33:7

“So you, son of man: I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; therefore you shall hear a word from My mouth and warn them for Me.” 

Warn the People

Part of the security system of the Old Testament was to build walls around the city and then post watchmen at the corners of the wall to look out for possible enemy attacks. Those who lived in the city would enter the gates at dusk, the gates would be closed, and no one would be allowed in. If they heard a trumpet blast or someone shouting they knew it was the watchman warning of possible doom. The church needs watchman on the wall today who will sound the trumpet when the enemy tries to deceive us.

Guard Your Heart

We are called to be a watchman on the wall, to blow the trumpet when danger is present. We do that when the world encroaches on the church. Be careful that you are not the boy crying wolf because no one will believe us when we warn and we will dull the people who are supposed to listen. As watchmen, we are to be sober-minded, watchful in prayer, and bold when God speaks. As we are faithful in that God will open the ears of those who need to hear.

A watchman on the wall is someone who is trained in the word of God and sensitive to the Holy Spirit. They have eyes that aren’t clouded and a mind that is sober. Their heart is to protect those who are weak and young in their faith. They operate in love but are fierce against evil. They are ready in season and out of season to jump into duty. Answer the call today and become a watchman on the wall.