A Bond that Can’t Be Broken

by | Oct 7, 2022

A Bond that Cannot Be Broken I Daily Walk Devotion

Married couples will often look at their rings and be told by the minister that this is a bond that cannot be broken. The minister is trying to state that the commitment between the man and woman is before God, and He doesn’t quickly release that bond. The church possesses a bond that can’t be broken. It is something that can withstand the attacks of the enemy and build up the believers. Today’s passage shows us what that is.

ACTS‬ ‭5:12

“At the hands of the Apostles many signs and wonders were taking place among the people; and they were all with one accord in Solomon’sSolomon’s portico.”

Signs and Wonders

In the early days of the church in Jerusalem, they established a rhythm. They would go to Solomon’s portico in the temple in the afternoon to hear the Apostles teach. They would then gather in houses at night for a time of food, fellowship, communion, and prayer. Many of the people who joined the church were not from Jerusalem. They didn’t have jobs or a place to stay. People in Jerusalem opened their homes. This Koinonia fellowship and the working of the Spirit were significant factors why the church exploded in growth.

One Accord

The term “one accord” was a picture of a three-strand cord. In those days, that was the strongest rope you could pull or bind. Luke, the author of Acts, uses this analogy to refer to the church’s strength. A church needs to be in one accord. They want unity and strength to help them endure difficult times. Think of the three strands as the Word of God, the Holy Spirit, and the fellowship of the saints. When those three are activated, the world cannot withstand its influence.

A Bond that Can’t Be Broken

To develop a bond that cannot be broken, a church must dump the gimmicks and commit to the teaching of God’s Word. Getting people pumped with preachy cliches is like a sugar high; they don’t last. The consistent teaching of Scripture builds the people up into mature disciples. The second part of this equation is the community of believers. The early church had all things in common. That was their love for Jesus Christ. If a church cultivates that as the core of its church, it will develop that bond that cannot be broken.