Truth is under attack today. If you stand for biblical truth that goes against the popular narrative of the woke mob, you will be attacked. They will try to cancel you. As a disciple of Jesus Christ, you must stand firm on the Scripture. You guide your life by the Word and base your decisions on its wisdom. Paul tells Timothy to be bold with the truth.
2 TIMOTHY 2:15
“Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth.”
Present Yourself Approved
Paul continues his mentoring of Timothy by encouraging him to present himself approved to the Lord. What does it mean to be approved by the Lord as a minister of the Gospel? Paul lists several indicators. First, Timothy was to be a workman. He was to be in the trenches doing the work of a pastor and evangelist. Second, he was not to be ashamed of following Jesus. Paul wanted him to live out his faith boldly. Finally, Timothy was to handle the word of truth. That means he was to preach the truth of the Gospel without worrying.
This message is primarily aimed at ministers, especially pastors and elders, but it applies to every disciple of Jesus Christ. Are you ashamed of the truth of God’s Word? Do you make excuses for passages that speak directly to homosexuality? Do you overlook the sins of others to keep their friendship? If so, you may be ashamed. A true disciple is not ashamed of the truth of God’s Word. They live and preach it boldly.
Be Bold With the Truth
The key to being bold with the truth is to make sure you are grounded in Scripture. Think of it like the roots of a tree. They push deeper into the soil to obtain proper nourishment. Someone who rightly handles the truth is one who has deep roots in Biblical knowledge. When you are deeply rooted, you can be bold with the truth because there is nothing that will topple you over.