A Heart of Worship

by | May 30, 2022

A Heart of Worship I Daily Walk Devotion

As I sit and write this devotional, my daughter is practicing her piano. She has been taking lessons for several years and has gotten good, but what she enjoys the most is playing in the worship band at the church. She was considering quitting lessons, but playing worship music made her want to get better because she knew she would be doing it for the rest of her life. She has developed a heart of worship similar to what we see in today’s passage.

‭‭PSALMS‬ ‭104:33-34

“I will sing to the LORD as long as I live; I will sing praise to my God while I have my being. Let my meditation be pleasing to Him; As for me, I shall be glad in the LORD.”

A Powerful Tool

The Psalmist perfectly describes someone who has a heart for worship. “I will sing to the Lord as long as I live. I will praise God while I’m alive.” This is someone who likes to be full of the presence of the Lord. He would choose this over anything else. Worship is a powerful tool for the disciple in their daily walk with Jesus. It fulfills their innermost desires and gives them a sense of peace. A person with the heart of worship wants to be in close proximity to the Lord.

Part of Discipleship

Disciples understand that they were created to worship the Lord and give Him glory. They also understand that worship is more than singing praise songs. It is their meditation on the Word of God, Intercession for the saints, and the work they do with their hands. It is pleasing to the Lord when it is done unto the Lord and not for their glory.

A Heart of Worship

Worship has one benefit that people often forget about; it makes them glad. Singing praises to the Lord increases the joy in your heart. It takes your focus off of your problems and realigns your eyes upon Jesus. You get a spiritual lift from lifting your voice to the Lord. It’s a choice. Choose to be glad in the Lord.