Going for a walk has a way of removing the day’s stress. Sorting through your troubles makes it feel like a huge weight has been lifted. Jesus wants you to walk in peace. He can carry you through the storms and give rest to your worn-out heart. Look to Jesus and ask for his peace that passes all understanding.
John 20:19
“So when it was evening on that day, the first day of the week, and when the doors were shut where the disciples were, for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood in their midst and said to them, “Peace be with you.”
Went Into Hiding
The disciples were hiding away in fear from the Jews. They were shut in the Upper Room and uncertain what to do. At that moment, Jesus stood in the midst, saying, “Peace be with you.” It says the doors were locked, and no one was getting in without a struggle. Jesus appears in the room. He could’ve walked through the walls or just appeared out of thin air. It was a supernatural moment to show the disciples they had nothing to worry about. He reminded them He brought peace to their hearts.
Feeling Overwhelmed?
Have you ever wanted to shut yourself in your house and be left alone? Maybe the troubles of this world are crashing in on you, and you feel overwhelmed? Whatever the case may be, Jesus makes His peace available to you. In John 14:27, Jesus says, “Peace I give to you, my peace” The resilience and calm that Jesus displayed on the way to the cross can be yours. Phil 4 tells you that Jesus gives you peace that passes all understanding when you submit your needs to the Lord and give Him thanks.
Walk in Peace
How do you walk in peace? First of all, the peace of God is given to you when you give your life to Jesus. Romans 5:1 says that we have peace with God because we’ve been justified through Jesus. The best way to get peace is to remove the sin in your heart. Next, you need to cast your burdens on the Lord. Worry and doubt steal your peace. Finally, fill your heart with the Word of God. It is living and powerful.