Go About Your Business

by | May 23, 2022

Go About Your Work I Daily Walk Devotion

With all of the unrest in the world, there has been a renewed interest in the End Times amongst believers and unbelievers. People want to know when Jesus is returning. They are afraid of missing the boat. Some have gone so far as to declare the end of the world. It is essential to keep the proper perspective. Go about your business and trust in the sovereignty of the Lord.


“For even when we were with you, we used to give you this order: if anyone is not willing to work, then he is not to eat, either.”

Missed the Boat

The Thessalonians were consumed with the second coming of Jesus. They were sure it would happen at any moment. Some of the church had worried that it had already happened and missed it. Paul addressed that in the first letter to the church (1 Thess 4). In the second letter, he teaches them further on end times issues like the Antichrist in chapter 2, but in chapter 3, he addresses those who weren’t working and were living off the church’s charity because they thought Jesus was coming back. Paul tells them that they don’t deserve to eat if they don’t work. It was a wake-up call to those who were using the church’s benevolence to their advantage.

Pull Your Own Weight

The church has people who are using it for their own gain. Either they are trying to advance their careers by networking, or they are being lazy and living off of the charity of others. Both abuse the system and leave people in the church with a bitter taste in their mouths. Every disciple needs to pull their own weight. If there are times they are in need, the church comes to their aid, but it should only be regular if the person is disabled.

Go About Your Business

God created you to work. The original sin made it difficult, but your hard work is part of your worship. Do it with all of your heart and do the best job you can possibly do. This will give you a good reputation within the church and a good witness outside. Christians should be the hardest workers in the workplace. They should respect their superiors and never cut corners or try to get something for nothing.

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