When you go on vacation or holiday, part of the preparation is arranging a place to stay. For some they go to visit family, others go camping, while others reserve a hotel. Wherever you go, you expect the place you will be staying to be prepared for you. No one wants to walk into a dirty hotel room with an unmade bed or a campsite littered with garbage from the previous camper. If you have a reservation for heaven, there is a place waiting for you. Jesus went to prepare it for you.
JOHN 14:2
“In My Father’s house are many dwelling places; if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you.”
Jesus used a mansion as an illustration of what heaven would look like. There are many dwelling places, or as some translations use the word rooms. It makes you picture a glorious place waiting for you when you enter through the pearly gates. Heaven is going to be better than anything you can imagine. You will be in the presence of the Almighty God, there will be no more weeping, and you will be inhabiting your new physical body. Not too shabby.
More Than a Mansion
Can I offer you a word of caution? I’ve heard many prosperity preachers talk about “getting your mansion” and how God is so wealthy that he has cattle on a thousand hills. The reality is that where you stay will be the least of your concern when you get there. It will be so glorious that those will be an afterthought. Don’t focus on those while you are on earth.
A Place Waiting for You
Jesus wants you to know that if you choose to follow Him, He has a place waiting for you. There is enough room for anyone who wants to be His disciple. He is not exclusive. Bring as many people with you as you can reach. Jesus won’t run out of room, and He desires that no one will perish and spend eternity in hell. He wants everyone to join Him in heaven.