All Things in Common

by | Sep 5, 2022

All Things In Common I Daily Walk Devotion

During the 1970s, a move of God started to happen in some churches around the United States. This movement was different because it was happening amongst the hippies and surfers. It was soon called the Jesus movement, and thousands of teenagers and college students came to know Jesus. There was a spirit of love present the church hadn’t seen in decades. That unity was made possible by people seeking Jesus. They had all things in common.

‭‭ACTS‬ ‭2:44‬

“And all those who had believed were together and had all things in common.”

Powerful and Effective

The early church was powerful and effective because of the Holy Spirit and was a unique unity brought on by selfless sacrifice. The church was growing, and all the needs were met because the Spirit had moved on certain people’s hearts to give. This attitude and atmosphere made it welcoming to everyone. Outsiders could tell there was something different than the normal synagogue life, and it was attracting people in droves.

Seek The Presence

That presence of the Spirit is available to the church today. He still works to bring unity. When people respond to His leading, it draws people who are lost and hurting. Selfish and territorial people hinder the Spirit and block the unity. The church is hurting today because people have placed their wants over being submissive to the Holy Spirit. We must return to recognizing our sin and asking the Lord to purify our hearts.

All Things In Common

In these last days, we must strive for this attitude in the church. The world needs a place like the early church in Acts. They are angry and confused and need to be invited into a group of people with all things in common. We need to stop judging others and start seeking the presence of the Holy Spirit. God’s Word needs to guide us as we encounter the challenges the church faces. A mighty revival soon follows when a remnant of God’s people commits to this.