If there is one emotion everyone struggles with, it is fear. Some deal with it constantly, while for most, it is a sporadic battle. Fear is not something to laugh off or belittle. Prescriptions to battle it is on the rise. Jesus offers an alternative treatment for His followers, and Paul tells us what it entails.
“For God has not given us a spirit of timidity, but of power and love and discipline.”
Powerful Insight
In Paul’s final letter to Timothy and the last one we have recorded, he starts by giving some powerful insight. We aren’t given a spirit of fear but one of power, love, and a sound mind. This is part of the victory that we have in Jesus. He has overcome the ruler of the world and replaced that fear in us with a sound mind. Timothy needed to hear this as he was leading a church with people older than him. Paul was telling him to operate in the power of the Holy Spirit, love the people God has given them, and not be given over to fear.
Feel Overcome with Fear?
Do you ever feel overcome with fear? Don’t beat yourself up if the answer is yes. The enemy’s number one priority is to provoke fear in your heart. Fear paralyzes people, and that gets them out of the game. The fewer players, the less influence for the Gospel has, and the more powerful the dark side becomes. You can overcome that fear. It’s not by direct assault but by filling yourself with the Spirit. Satan can’t be in the presence of where God is dwelling.
An Alternative Treatment
Overcoming fear also means casting your burden upon the Lord. Whatever is worrying you, send it to Jesus. His burden is light, and His yoke is easy. Name those fears in your prayers and watch as Jesus gives you peace that passes all understanding. You can overcome the fear that grips your heart. All it takes is being open to an alternative treatment.