Let’s face it. We need all the help we can get in life. Each day throws new challenges at us, and often we don’t have the tools or experience to deal with them. Jesus tells us that He has given us another helper who is with us, the Holy Spirit. He is there to guide us through the challenges that we encounter. Are you tapped into the Spirit?
John 14:16-17
“I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may be with you forever; that is the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it does not see Him or know Him, but you know Him because He abides with you and will be in you.”
The Last Supper
Chapter 13-17 of the Gospel of John is Jesus having the last supper with the disciples. He imparts many things to them He wants them to know before His crucifixion. As He was preparing His disciples for His departure, He tells them that He will send another helper, the Holy Spirit, to be with them forever. This Holy Spirit is part of the Godhead we call the Trinity. He is fully God like God the Father and Jesus the Son. He is given to us when we put our faith in Jesus as our savior, and He dwells in us forever.
Not Available to Everyone
The world doesn’t get the Holy Spirit. By that, I mean they don’t understand Him and thus don’t fully understand Jesus. He is exclusive to the followers of Jesus, which sets us apart from the world. The Spirit is truth, and that truth is in us. What looks like foolishness to the world makes sense to us because we have the Spirit residing in us. They know there is something different about believers, which is why they ridicule us. Don’t be discouraged when this happens.
Another Helper
The Spirit abides in you. That simply means that He dwells and remains in your heart for the rest of your life. He is there so you can tap into the richness of truth. He will guide you in the ways of Jesus and convict you of your sins. Learn to walk in His leading and trust His guidance.