I have a friend who’s dad is a retired ironworker. He had built huge buildings and bridges over his career. Just recently, they called him out of retirement to help with a project that had gotten out of control. It was a high rise building four inches out of plumb by the fourth story. They needed him to get things back into alignment. When we don’t make Jesus the cornerstone of our church and life, we can get out of alignment.
Mark 12:10
“Have you not even read this Scripture:’ THE STONE WHICH THE BUILDERS REJECTED, THIS BECAME THE CHIEF CORNER stone;”
Rejected Cornerstone
In ancient Israel, they built their houses out of stone. They would begin by carving a stone into a perfect ninety-degree angle. Then they would set that stone first and measure everything off it. It would keep the walls turn and ensure that the building would be around for a long time. Jesus is the cornerstone of the church, on which the whole church is to be built and the Jewish leaders rejected Him.
Sure Foundation
Many Christian ministries are out of alignment because Jesus isn’t the cornerstone. They have great causes they support, but when Jesus isn’t the basis for which they do it eventually, it veers off the path. Soon it will crumble unless it gets back into alignment. When it is based on God’s love and the truth of God’s Word, it will line up and exist for a long time.
Back Into Alignment
Is Jesus the cornerstone of your life? If not, He can bring it back into alignment. All it takes is you getting right with the Lord. You need to repent of your sins and remove anything from your life that contradicts the Bible. Once this happens, the Holy Spirit will come in and start to make things right. The benefit is that you will experience a sense of peace and joy cascading over you.