Build Your Life upon Jesus

by | Dec 2, 2020

Build Your Life upon Jesus I Daily Walk Devotion

Have you ever gone to a construction site and seen the remnants of the builder’s work? There are bits and pieces of wood, cement, and tile that were cut off to make the larger piece fit. Most of the debris is unusable for anything else, so it is thrown away. Jesus is a foundation for the church. If you choose to build your life upon Jesus, you will never be discarded.

‭‭Luke‬ ‭20:17

“But Jesus looked at them and said, “What then is this that is written: ‘THE STONE WHICH THE BUILDERS REJECTED, THIS BECAME THE CHIEF CORNERSTONE’?”

Foretold Years Ago

Jesus is quoting Psalm 118:22, a Messianic prophecy about the leaders (builders) of Israel rejecting Jesus, the chief cornerstone on which His church will be built. The Psalmist prophesied this over one thousand years earlier. Think about that for a second. God spoke thru a prophet during King David’s time, and it came to fulfillment during the time of Jesus. As believers, we need to read and understand prophecy. There are over 300 prophesies in the Old Testament about Jesus.

Don’t Reject Him

This prophecy deals with Jesus being the cornerstone of the church. Israel’s leaders rejected Him and put Him to death, but God built the church upon Him. A cornerstone was the first rock that was laid in a stone building. It had to be a perfect ninety-degree angle on the corner because the rest of the building was measured off of that. Jesus was perfect, and for two thousand years, the church has been built on His foundation or righteousness.

Build Your Life upon Jesus

If you build your life upon Jesus, you will never go wrong. He is a solid foundation that will endure the storms. The Holy Spirit will build you up through the Word of God and His leading. We will be outfitted with the best gifts and talents that will be a blessing to all who encounter us. This is promised to all who follow Jesus.