Have you ever been so excited you couldn’t keep quiet? Have you kept thinking that you gotta tell someone? That’s what the resurrection of Jesus Christ did to the disciples. They were so transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit that they couldn’t keep quiet and needed to tell everyone about the Good News of Jesus Christ. Of course, this got them into trouble as well. We should all want to get to the point where you can’t keep quiet about Jesus.
Acts 4:19-20 NIV
But Peter and John replied, “Which is right in God’s eyes: to listen to you, or to him? You be the judges! As for us, we cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard.”
Would You Stand Firm in Your Faith?
What drives you to follow Jesus? Is it a promise of eternal reward? Is it the relief that comes from forgiveness of your sins? What if you were brought in before authorities to give an answer? Would you stand firm in your faith if you were told to stop following Jesus? Peter and John were brought before the religious council and told to stop proclaiming Jesus’ name. Their reply; “What is right in God’s eyes?” They answered to a higher calling, and even at the threat of harm, they would not back down.
Can’t Keep Quiet
Most of us will not face a council like that, but we will stand before our family and friends and have to make a decision. Will we continue to stand for Jesus? They will make it known in no uncertain terms that your beliefs aren’t welcome. Will that stop you because you don’t want to upset them? Or will you continue to show the love of Jesus and share the gospel with them because their eternal destiny is more important to you than how they presently think of you?