Take Up Your Cross

Take Up Your Cross

The rich young ruler thought he had it all and in the world’s eyes, he did. Jesus called him to deny himself by selling all he had to the poor. He then looked at the disciples and told them to” take up your cross.” If the disciples were feeling...
Judge Everyone Fairly

Judge Everyone Fairly

Moses tells us to judge everyone fairly. Don’t give preference to the rich or the poor. We look at the case, and we do the right thing. This is good advice because it is easy to show favoritism. Judge everyone fairly, and in the end, it will work out. Leviticus‬...
Free From Anxieties

Free From Anxieties

Stress and anxiety are two things that consume peoples lives. Paul shows us how to be free from anxieties, stay single. This will remove all of the stress of pleasing a spouse and caring for children. It will also allow our heart to be focused explicitly on the things...
Fortified Wall

Fortified Wall

Walls were built in Biblical times to fortify cities. The bigger the wall the harder it was for the enemy to attack. They would build fortified walls that were often thick enough chariots to race side by side on. God built Jeremiah into a fortified wall to resist the...
Why Do the Wicked Prosper?

Why Do the Wicked Prosper?

Why do the wicked prosper? Why doesn’t God deal with them? It seems like the good people work hard and get nowhere while the wicked cheat and get ahead of everyone. Where is God’s justice in it all? Just because we can’t see it doesn’t mean...